Veiled Twin Vistas- Nordic Skiing & Kayak Center

“A visitor’s perception of the Methow River Valley centers around an authentic camping experience however, the impacts left by the individuals visiting and the structures they create can harm the wilderness in which they seek to discover. The intention for this project is to create a structure that works in tandem with the environment to help erase the destruction that comes from human nature and building. This inspiration created from experiencing nature in its truest form led to the design of a structure set to frame the bridge between shelter and wilderness.”

Project Specifications:

-Earth-bermed structure created out of board formed concrete

-Designed to house 16 students with an instructor while on school getaways focused on building and constructing Nordic skis or wooden kayaks

-Location: Methow River Valley, Methow, Washington

Final Project Board


Concrete Masonry Unit Airport - Third Year Project


Case Study 01- Washington Fruit & Produce Factory